
The system is adapted to handle the shifting and demanding needs of schools

Security & Monitoring System

Enhance efficiency, safety, and security in schools by integrating smart cameras and sensors. This powerful tool monitors activity, ensures student safety, and protects school property. Video footage provides a clear overview of incidents, while features like vape detection and lockdown protocols help maintain a secure and healthy environment.

Example use cases

Campus security

Monitor school premises discreetly with face-blurring in live streams. Respond swiftly to threats with custom alerts and wireless panic buttons, ensuring quick action or direct contact with emergency services.

Prevent student vaping

Receive real-time alerts via SMS and push notifications in the app when smoking or vaping is detected. Pair sensors with video security for added context.

Threat respons

Quickly respond to threats with custom alerts and wireless panic buttons, allowing immediate action or direct contact with emergency services.

Ready to Optimize Your School Safety?

Take control of your school security and monitoring systems with our easy-to-use platform. Schedule a demo today to see how our solution can streamline your processes and improve efficiency.

Contact us

Real-time Monitoring

Access live data on key environmental and security factors.

Integrated Systems

Combine environmental monitoring and security features in one platform.

Connect your equipment

Manage your systems from anywhere via a cloud-based interface.